Production Run

A production run is created by selecting a Product/SKU and specifying a corresponding Work Order (WO) and/or LOT#. It can include one (1) to three (3) of these attributes.

Additional information like planned quantity or number of employees can be included in a production run, but are optional.

On this page you will learn How to:

Create a Production Run

On the Production Unit Dashboard, click the “+Production Run” button. A “New Production Run” dialogue box will open.

Enter the production run information and click "Submit".

A NEW PRODUCTION RUN is created  each time a user enters a different WO, Lot #, or SKU in this dialogue boxThis is visually presented on
the Production Unit Dashboard timeline via a new marker (black triangle).

Edit a Production Run

To edit a Production Run click on the marker (black triangle) on the timeline of a Production Unit Dashboard and select Edit’. The Modify Production Run’ dialogue box will open, allowing users to make changes, including retroactive start time.

Note that if optional fields like WO, LOT, Number of Employees , or Planned Quantity are left empty, related info won't display in the tooltip.

To avoid production gaps and inaccuracies the start time of a Production Run will automatically be the end time for the previous Production Run.

Delete a Production Run

To delete a Production Run, click on the marker (black triangle) on the timeline of a
Production Unit Dashboard and select ‘delete’.

A confirmation message to delete the desired production run will appear.



Navigate by Production Run

By selecting Production Run in the drop-down navigation, all KPIs will correspond to it.

This functionality grants users the capability to delve into their production data with a heightened level of granularity.

Please note, Tile+ currently restricts the display of data to Production Runs lasting a maximum of 3 days at the timeline. To optimize your navigation experience, it is recommended to input distinct Work Orders (WO) or LOT numbers, even when the SKU or product manufactured remains the same. Each entry of a new WO or LOT, even for the same product or SKU, triggers the creation of a new production run.

Changes to WO/ LOT or SKU can be Automated via an API, speak your Account Manager to learn more.