Tiles KPIs

In this page you will find the definitions and calculations for the different Tile+ KPIs according to the Worximity environment.

Quantity & Quality


Production Run Completion






* Note these KPIs require an additional hardware configuration and some may apply extra fees.



Is one of the three OEE key performance metric that measures the proportion of time a Production Unit ( a whole Line or Piece of equipment) is available and ready for production activities.

Tile+ Offers different tiles to follow Availability


Availability %


It is the percentage that measures how often your production line or equipment operates as scheduled compared to the accurate total production time. It indicates whether your operations are on track or experiencing downtime.


Target Availability displayed is predefined per production unit /line.


Availability (%) = (Uptime/ Scheduling Working time)100

 Ex.: (Total Uptime 6 hrs / 8 Scheduled hrs )100 = 75% Availability

 Uptime = Actual production time after planned and unplanned downtimes.

OOE's  Availability = (Actual Production Time / Potential Production Time)100




Amount of time that the production line or equipment has been running during the selected time frame (Production Day/ Shift/ Hour)



In terms of data Acquisition is when the system detects "counts" on the line.


Unplanned  Vs Planned Downtimes


Total Downtime duration, categorized as planned or unplanned, within a selected timeframe( Production day/ Shift/ Hour).


Unplanned and planned downtimes are configured in the Downtime Reasons section of the admin menu.

 Planned downtime is excluded from the OEE calculation.

 Most of planned downtimes should have a target duration to improve tracking of extra time in those tasks.


To Justify Tile


Indicates the number of downtimes in a selected time interval, that require justification. 

By clicking this tile the Justification Panel will open and the user will be able to add a Downtime Justification cause.


The downtime delay and justification delay at the Production Unit admin menu, will influence the quantity of downtimes your operators need to justify.


Rule of thumb: Ideal quantity is less than 15 by shift.



Performance in the context of OEE refers to how well a machine or process is operating in relation to its maximum possible speed or ideal production rate.


Performance %


Performance is the ratio of the actual quantity produced for the selected product against the target quantity.


Performance (%)= (Actual rate / Target rate)100


Ex.: A product is actually running at a 850 u/h rate but it's target is 1000u/h .

Performance will be 85%


Rate units/h


It is a measure of how many units of a product are produced, per unit of time, expressed as units per hour.

Only takes into count the Uptime.

Target Performance displayed is predefined per production unit /line.

Rate tiles are now selectable in various converted units, including weight, length, and volume units. To display data in any unit, a valid conversion chain must exist.

For weight-based rates, Tile+ will use either the theoretical weight for lines without checkweighers or for giveaway sampling sessions. For production units with checkweighers, Tile+ will use the actual recorded weight.


Rate(Units/h)= Output Quantity / Uptime

Rate in Weight / Length / Volume =

A. Non-Giveaway Lines*: 

Theoretical WLV / uptime

B.Checkweigher Giveaway Lines*: 

Total WLV quantity / uptime

C. Giveaway Sampling Lines*: Average samples WLV * produced quantity / uptime.

*AKA Production Units / Equipments.


Rate units/min


Represents the current SKU’s Average Rate per Hour, divided by 60 (min) for selected Time Range.

The rate per minute can be displayed in different units, weight, volume or length set-up at the unit conversion.

For weight-based rates, Tile+ will use either the theoretical weight for lines without checkweighers or for giveaway sampling sessions. For production units with checkweighers, Tile+ will use the actual recorded weight.



Rate (Units/min) = (Current product qty/ Uptime last hour) / 60min


Rate(Units/h)= (Output Quantity / Uptime)/60 min

Rate in Weight / Length / Volume:

A. Non-Giveaway Lines*: 

(Theoretical WLV / uptime)/ 60 min

B.Checkweigher Giveaway Lines*: 

(Total WLV quantity / uptime)/60 min

C. Giveaway Sampling Lines*: (Average samples WLV * produced quantity / uptime) /60 min

*AKA Production Units / Equipments.


Speed 5 min units/h


Represents the current SKU’s Average Speed over the last 5 Min.

Takes into count Uptime & Downtime in that 5 min span.


Speed 5 Min displays values only at the Current Time. When using the Date Picker to select previous date/time slots, the KPI won't display values.

To display the speed in terms of weight, volume, or length, it is required to enter the appropriate unit conversions.


Speed 5 min = quantity / production time*

*Production time = uptime + unplannedDowntime + unjustifiedDowntime + plannedDowntime


Weight / Length / Volume Speed Calculation (5 minutes rolling window)
A.Non-Giveaway Line: 

Theoretical WLV / production time

B. Giveaway Checkweigher Line:

Total WLV quantity / production time

C. Giveaway Sampling Line:

Average samples WLV * produced quantity / production time



Speed 5 min units/min


Represents the current SKU’s Average Speed over the last 5 Min.

Takes into count Uptime & Downtime in that 5 min span.


Speed 5 Min displays values only at the Current Time. When using the Date Picker to select previous date/time slots, the KPI won't display values.

To display the speed in terms of weight, volume, or length, it is required to enter the appropriate unit conversions.



Speed 5 min = (quantity / production time)/60


Weight / Length / Volume Speed Calculation (5 minutes rolling window)
A.Non-Giveaway Line: 

(Theoretical WLV / production time)/60 min

B. Giveaway Checkweigher Line:

(Total WLV quantity / production time)/60 min

C. Giveaway Sampling Line:

(Average samples WLV * produced quantity / production time)/60 min

What's the difference Between Speed 5 min and the Rate / min?

Speed takes into count Production time, which is defined as the sum of  Uptime, Planned and Unplanned Downtimes and Unjustified Downtimes.

Speed won't display any value when there is a Downtime in the Line or Production Unit.

While Rate, will display values even when a Downtime occurs since it takes into account the average of Produced Quantity and the Total Uptime, for the time frame.

Ex.: For example, the Production Unit or Line could have a Rate of 10000 units/hr but have been running only 30 minutes out of the hour because of downtime. This would make the quantity graph at 5000 units while still having a 10000 units/hr rate. 

The Rate doesn’t take into account the Downtime while the Quantity is affected by the Downtime.

When should I use one or the other?

Speed is the closest measure to have an "instant" machine rate, it is useful when lines have short Production Runs, for ex: 15 mins Production Run.

It only works with Tile+'s current time frame, it cannot be consulted in the retro-actively.

Rate will give you an average for the selected time frame, Production Day/ Production Run / Shift / hour and can be consulted in the past.

Quantity & Quality

Quality is one of the three key components of the OEE, focusing on reducing defects and ensuring that the produced items meet the required specifications and standards.


Production Run Quantity


Quantity of units manufactured on the production line/equipment for a selected SKU/product / Work Order or Lot and time frame.



Total Line QTY


The Total Quantity of units produced across SKUs on the specified production line/equipment during the specified time frame.



Net Quantity & Rejects


Net Quantity - calculated once the Manual Reject Form has been used to record Rejected units, for a Specific SKU, using the same unit type and scale (this is configured beforehand in Admin/ Product/ ...



The Sum of the Rejected Qty for each SKU.

Entered manually using the Manual Reject form.


To be able to select this tile, you must contact your account manager to activate the Rejections module.



Net Quantity - unit = Production Run Quantity - Reject Quantity.


Quality %


Quality is the percentage of conformed-to-standards units in a production process.


Target Performance displayed is predefined per production unit /line.



By default the Quality factor is set-up to 100% if the Rejects module is not set up.

 Nowadays the system only supports manual entry rejects, future releases will take into count automatic rejects and rework processes.




Giveaway %


Represents the current SKU’s ratio for the Average Measured Weight vs the Target SKU weight (as configured in the Admin/Products/.. section).


If the giveaway value is under the Target (negative or positive) display green, under 1% of difference yellow, above 1% difference show red.



Average Measured weight input can be from:
1- the Sampling Dashboard, via table top scale input.

2- Connected Checkweigher/ Blackbox, feeding SKU weight data into Tile+.


Giveaway % for a SKU = 100% * (Average Weight - Target Weight) / Target Weight


Giveaway weight


Represents the current SKU’s Sum of measured weights above the Target Value – which is configured in the Admin/Products/... section.


It doesn't have a Target because the Tile+ business rules do not yet calcualte Cumulated Quantity of Giveaway. This is only accounted for in the %Giveaway KPI for now.

Example of the Calculation

Ex.: 100 samples were taken of the 5,000 units produced.


The Giveaway % of those 100 samples = 2%

according to the Product Target weight which is 100g. This represents 2g per unit.


Therefore, the Giveaway of the 5000 units produced is:


2g * 5,000 units = 10,000 g (10 Kg)


Average Weight


Average weight of all your the produced units if you have a check weigher, or if you have a Sampling- Giveaway module it would be the average of all your samplings during an specific period.


Average Weight* (kg*) = Sum(weights measured) / Number of weighed instances


*supported: unit of weight, volume or length





Overall Equipment Effectiveness is the product of availability, performance, and quality for a given production line and time frame. 

The OEE score indicates your current status, while its different factors - Availability, Performance, and Quality - help you to identify the loss areas and where to focus the improvement efforts.

Learn More about OEE Losses here



OEE (%) = Availability (%) x Performance (%) x Quality* (%)

Learn More

Overall Operations Effectiveness (OOE)


Overall Operations Effectiveness (OOE)


Navigating the various terms and nomenclature in the industry for denoting OOE (Overall Operating Efficiency) can be confusing. Some might refer to it as General Efficiency, while others may argue it's OEE2. The key takeaway is understanding the type of availability factored into the calculations. At Worximity, we define OOE by considering both Planned and Unplanned downtime, meaning the Actual Production time Vs the Scheduled time.


Overall Operations Effectiveness (OOE) measures line productivity based on its active usage time.

A 100% OOE indicates continuous operation at maximum speed and production of only high-quality goods. Any downtime (planned or unplanned), speed reduction, or production of defects reduces the OOE percentage.

Learn More about OOE and OEE Losses here



OOE (%) = Availability (%) (Availability = Actual Production Time / Potential Production Time) x Performance (%) x Quality* (%)


Ex.: 50% Availability x 90% Performance x 96% Quality =43.2% OOE

Production Run Completion


Completion %


Production completion is the ratio of the units produced against the target quantity of the current product at the specified time.



Planned Quantity can be added when selecting a New Product / Production run or using the Product Change API.


%Completion of current SKU = Sum(unit count) / Planned Qty count*


*Planned Quantity Count: can be added while Selecting a SKU in Tile+. If it is not added, %Completion is represented as a null "-" value.


Time to Completion


Time to Completion is the duration (hh: mm) required to produce the Planned Quantity of a Production Run, with the time-varying based on the Production Run Speed.

Any downtime or slowness will affect the time.



This tile is designed to work only when a Planned Quantity is entered for a Production Run.

It will only display values for the current production run and cannot show values from the past. If there is a change in production run or you navigate to past time frames, the tile will display a null "-" value. 


Time to Completion of current Production Run = Total Unit produced for the production run / production time in hours





PLEASE NOTE that accurate display of Cycles' KPIs in Tile+ requires a specific hardware connection. The data won't be accurate unless the Worximity Team has completed the necessary hardware connection. To request this feature, contact your Account manager.


Cycle Count


The number of times the equipment went on, which can represent the number of batches produced.

Note:  Even when this tile can be selected and display data, it won't be accurate since it requires additional hardware configuration.


Cycle Count= Sum(Cycle Counts) for the selected time frame*

 *Production Day / Shift / Hour Production Run


Current / Average Cycle Time


It calculates the time the equipment is in function versus the average  time of all uptime sequences recorded.

Note: Even when this tile can be selected and display data, it won't be accurate since it requires additional hardware configuration


Current Cycle Time = Delta Time in between Downtimes.


Average Cycle Time = Sum (Cycle Times) /Cycle Counts for time frame*


*Production Day / Shift / Hour Production Run

Tiles Status

Users in Tile+ can track different KPIs, 4 at a time, in the Line Dashboard.

Depending on the selected KPI the Tiles will display different relevant information.

 Status: The colour of the circle changes to yellow when the measurements decreases from 5% of the target, and it turns red when the measurements are off target of 10%.

Only the KPIs with a Target display a Status